• The end of 2020/2021 school year

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End of the school year 2020/2021.

Last Saturday (May 22), there was a ceremonial ending of the school year at the Polish Supplementary School of Long Island, combined with the presentation of certificates and awards for achievements. It was a joyful ceremony and at the same time “the tear in the eye has turned”, because we had to say goodbye to the 8th grade graduates this year. Despite the pandemic, the teaching staff made every effort to provide knowledge and education at the highest level to our pupils. In addition to awards for exemplary students, this year we awarded 3 prestigious awards. The diploma of the President of the Polish Supplementary Schools in America along with a check for $ 100 was received by a student and graduate of the 8th grade, Emily Tutka. The diplomas of the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland were awarded ex aequo: A student of the 6th grade, Amelia Kopacz, a student and a graduate of the 8th grade, Gabriel Kuras. Congratulations and we wish you continued success and see you in September.
